If you want your lawn to stay beautiful and healthy, you'll need to fertilize it throughout the year to provide it with the nutrients it needs to thrive. But, you may be wondering what nutrients are in your fertilizer and how they specifically help your grass. Here in Michigan, most fertilizers that are used here contain ample amounts of nitrogen and potassium, as these nutrients help your grass develop strong roots, maintain its green color, and stand up to various stressors throughout the year. While phosphorus is another nutrient that is often found in a lot of fertilizers, this nutrient is mostly banned in Michigan except for in certain circumstances because of the problems that it can cause if it runs off and ends up in a body of water.

Nitrogen plays a big role in strengthening your grass and helping it get its green color!

Nitrogen is typically the most highly concentrated nutrient that is found in lawn fertilizers and is often considered the most important one. That's because nitrogen is essential in helping your grass formate proteins, which can promote healthy grass growth. Nitrogen also plays a huge role in the production of chlorophyll, which helps your grass absorb sunlight and is primarily responsible for giving the grass its beautiful, green color. It also plays a role in the photosynthesis process, which helps grass convert sunlight into food.

Nitrogen can help your grass bounce back in the spring after your lawn emerges from winter dormancy!

Potassium can strengthen your grass so that it's better equipped to resist natural stressors.

One of the most important nutrients that lawns require to reach their full potential is potassium. This nutrient plays a big role in helping your lawn uptake water and other nutrients better while also helping your grass synthesize proteins and starches. Potassium also helps grass build thicker cell walls, which will increase the overall strength of your grass and help it to stand up to various stressors like lawn diseases, lawn insects, and other environmental stressors such as extreme temperatures. This nutrient can also help your lawn withstand drought conditions because your grass will be able to absorb water better.

While phosphorus is commonly found in a lot of fertilizers, this nutrient is mostly banned in Michigan.

Phosphorus is a nutrient that is commonly found in a lot of fertilizers because it can help promote strong root growth and is often used directly after seeds have been planted to help them grow. However, here in Michigan, this nutrient is mostly banned from being used because of the problems it can cause if it runs off and ends up in a body of water. In some instances, such as when a soil test indicates that your lawn needs it, this nutrient can be used in fertilizers. In order to ensure that you aren't violating any laws or risking causing problems for bodies of water, you'll need to get legal approval before using it on your lawn.

Our fertilizer treatments contain ample amounts of nitrogen and potassium! Call us to enroll in our fertilization program today!

If you want to ensure that your lawn has all the nutrients that it needs to thrive, you'll want to make sure that it's being fertilized regularly. At Outdoor Expressions Landscaping, we offer a fertilization program that includes multiple treatments throughout the year, and our fertilizers contain both nitrogen and potassium! We offer this service to both residential and commercial properties, as well as HOAs, in East Lansing, Okemos, Haslett, and throughout the surrounding areas of Michigan. Give us a call at (517) 333-7999 to enroll in our fertilization program today!